Minor Specialization

As part of the Minor Specialization in Commercial Languages, the Department of Russian offeres these courses:

2RU501 – The aim of the course is to develop general language competence, broadening and deepening knowledge of terminology in the field of trade and international relations, improvement of written and spoken language. Knowledge of the basic facts about the current economic developments in Russia and in the world economy. International trade of the Czech Republic and Russian Federation, the EU and Russia, e-business, information technology, exhibitions, international economic coopearation, banking.

2RU502 – The course focuses on the practice of writng in the Russian language. Work with general and professional texts is part of the course. Emphasis is placed on consolidating grammar, vocabulary and writing style associated with the writing and translation of texts.

2RU401 – The course is aimed at enhancing language skills and knowledge of Russian facts, obtaining a comprehensive overview of the development of the Russian economy based on its historical background. Developing the ability to work with foreign-language literature, specialized economic press.